La teoria svedese dell’amore

Viviamo da soli, dietro a porte chiuse. L’ambizione all’indipendenza ci ha accecati, ma che senso ha avere dei milioni in una banca ed essere infelici? La nostra società punta alla sicurezza, non alla felicità. 1984, Brave New World, Gattaca, The Lobster, Equals…romanzi e film su universi distopici il cui scopo primario è farci riflettere su …

CITIZEN KEN. Il regista più di sinistra del Regno Unito presenta il suo ultimo film

A margine della presentazione del suo “I, Daniel Blake”, Palma d’Oro all’ultimo Festival del Cinema di Cannes e in uscita da noi il 21 ottobre, il celebre cineasta Ken Loach ha incontrato i giornalisti in una affollatissima conferenza stampa all’Hotel Bernini di Roma. Tra stucchi e vetrate a dire il vero poco in linea con …

Asier e io

Il motivo del conflitto oggi è che alla gente è negato il diritto all’autodeterminazione. Asier Pregevole tentativo di analizzare la delicata questione dell’indipendenza basca attraverso gli occhi di due amici da sempre, con ETA sullo sfondo (per intenderci, con i doverosi distinguo, l’IRA basco), Asier e io di Aitor ed Amaia Merino ci regala 94’ …

Login – Il giorno in cui l’Italia scoprì internet_Lun 6 Giugno al MAXXI di Roma

Non pretendiamo che le cose cambino se continuiamo a farle allo stesso modo. La crisi è la miglior cosa che possa accadere a persone ed interi paesi perché è proprio la crisi a portare il progresso. Follia è fare sempre la stessa cosa, ancora e ancora, aspettandosi risultati diversi. Albert Einstein Spesso, le cose che …

Camorriste_Dal 24 maggio su Crime+Investigation, canale 118 di Sky

Ho fatto parte della camorra, fino in fondo. Non esistono parole per descrivere ciò che prova una donna che ha vissuto all’interno della camorra. L’unico modo per gettare luce su un’ombra così pesante come questa…è lasciar parlare le dirette interessate, le protagoniste delle vicende narrate, coloro che non si sono limitate a vivere all’interno della …

The Holy See: Is Its Sovereignty Under Attack?

The trial that began last week in the Vatican over “the passing on of classified documents” represents the strongest ever defense of its state sovereignty by the Holy See. This defense comes along at a good time. At the same time that this trial was beginning, the Holy See spoke in Geneva before a UN …

Pope Francis Carries on Reforms, But Real Revolution Is Continuity

The Papal rescript that confirmed the reform of the canonical procedures for marriage annulments and harmonized the norms concerning local tribunals was published by the Holy See Press Office on December 11, together with an article that Msgr. Pio Vito Pinto, President of the Rota, drafted for L’Osservatore Romano. However, the rescript was published on-line …

Pope Francis, toward a new diplomatic direction

Pope Francis’ address at the United Nations marked a slight difference from the speeches that have characterized his pontificate’s diplomatic activity to date. Putting aside the traditional topics of the “duty to protect” and the thoughtless adoption of “sustainable development goals,” Pope Francis returned to the notion of “integral human development,” voiced out of his …


Giunta alla sedicesima edizione, la rassegna ideata e diretta da Italo Spinelli arriva in porto anche quest’anno malgrado la mancanza dei finanziamenti pubblici che normalmente permettono ai festival di qualità non commerciale di restare a galla: sarebbe stato un vero peccato fare a meno dell’appuntamento con le cinematografie orientali, perché anche stavolta i curatori sono …

Pope Francis, a Church 200 years out of date

Benny Lai, dean of Italian Vatican-watchers, during the last years of his life always insisted, “It’s not my Vatican anymore.” Lai – accredited since 1946 – especially missed the sense of symbols, the importance of gestures, the theological depth. Benny Lai was not a believer. But he grasped the core issue at the root of …

Pope Francis, how the narrative behind him was constructed

The latest interpretation of Benedict XVI’s resignation was given in recent weeks by Fr. Silvano Fausti, a Jesuit who was Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini’s confessor. Right before he died last month, Fr. Fausti granted a video interview and recounted that during their last meeting Cardinal Martini had told the current Pope Emeritus that the Roman …

Pope Francis, the Latin American angle

Pope Francis’ trip to Latin America may be epitomized in one image: the Pope’s disappointed face when the Bolivian president, Evo Morales, gave him a crucifix sculpted in the shape of a hammer and sickle that had been allegedly designed by the Jesuit Fr. Luis Espinal, assassinated by a death squad in Bolivia in 1980. …

Pope Francis, between the shadow Synod and a new direction

The “Shadow synod” is a gathering of members from the Swiss, French and Germany Bishops’ Conferences dedicated to the issues to be discussed at the coming Synod of Bishops. Media representatives admitted to take part in the event were very few, and those few were told not to quote by name any of the speakers, and …

Pope Francis: Will His ‘Revolution’ Be Effective?

Pope Francis dedicated the week preceding Holy Week to finishing the draft of his much awaited encyclical on ecology. Despite this “institutional break,” the discussion on Church reforms is still ongoing in the media. Discussion is not merely about the need to reform Church structures. Already from the time of Benedict XVI’s pontificate, and even …

Will Pope Francis’ Church be able to go Beyond the Secular Agenda?

To encounter the secular world or to shape a new civilization? Pope Francis’ Church is divided between these two poles. Despite the Pope’s continual appeals in favor of desecularization, of going against the grain and of fighting ideological colonization (especially in terms of the family,) his notion of ‘going to the peripheries’ has been misinterpreted …