Help! Theology needed to reform the Curia

In the end, the “revolution” has turned into a renewal, to be carried forward slowly. It could not be different, because in the way in which it was outlined, Curia reform could not possibly meet anyone’s criteria. Not even that of the so-called progressive wing. In the end, some criticism came from them as well. …

Pope Francis, an agenda behind his back?

Is there an agenda at work behind Pope Francis’ back? As he carries out his plan of renewal for the Church, one that is based on the purification of hearts, on pastoral efforts and on evangelization through attraction, many individuals are trying to exploit his spontaneity, and also his naivete, in order to advance their …

Pope Francis, the push to synodality

Everything for the sake of synodality. This seems to be Pope Francis’ governing program. The Pope has already made it clear that he deems the conversion of hearts to be more important than the conversion of structures. He carefully considers every step to further expand the footprint of synodality,  a wider sense of discussion within …

Pope Francis, will it really be a revolution?

The week that begins today and ends with the creation of 20 new cardinals may represent the turning point of Pope Francis’ pontificate. The choices of the new cardinals not only show Pope Francis’ sensitivity toward the world’s peripheries and a certain pastoral approach, they also indicate a change concerning the pivotal issues at stake …

Roberto Mancini a Roma, Conferenza ed Incontro sulla Giustizia, Venerdì 6 febbraio alle 19

Il sentimento di giustizia è così universalmente connaturato all’umanità da sembrare indipendente da ogni legge, partito o religione. Voltaire L’essere umano è creatura viaggiante, migrante nel suo stesso modo d’essere, perché la sua identità non è già data e rigidamente scolpita, è piuttosto un percorso di tendenziale nascita radicale. Per noi vivere non vuol dire …

Usa-Cuba, il primo successo diplomatico di Papa Francesco

La riapertura delle relazioni diplomatiche tra Stati Uniti e Cuba è il primo grande successo diplomatico di Papa Francesco, e molti commentatori hanno salutato l’evento entusiasticamente come il grande ritorno della Santa Sede sulla scena internazionale. In realtà, se Papa Francesco ha avuto questo successo, è perché ha potuto raccogliere i frutti di un lavoro …

Pope Francis: which peripheries?

Since becoming pope, Francis has asked the Church repeatedly to reach outward toward the peripheries, and he immediately began to show his preference for them. His first papal trip was to the Italian island of Lampedusa, a periphery of the Mediterranean and an asylum for refugees. His first European trip outside Italy was to Albania, …

Five revealing details of Pope Francis’ trip to Sri Lanka and Philippines

There are five revealing details that emerge from the papal trip to Sri Lanka and Philippines. Five details that perhaps help us to understand better this pontificate, as well the expectations surrounding it. Each of these details can be understood through a single interpretative key, as explained by Pope Francis himself: the Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii …

A must today as ever: Talking about God in light of Pope Francis’ missionary push

On February 26, 2013, two days before the end of Benedict XVI’s pontificate, the Czech priest Tomas Halik launched in Rome the Italian edition of one of his most important books, “To the far ones nearby.” And on March 13, 2014, while Jorge Mario Bergoglio was celebrating his first anniversary as Pope, the same Halik …

Parlare di Dio: un tema sempre attuale nel pontificato di Papa Francesco

Il 26 febbraio 2013, due giorni prima della fine del Pontificato di Benedetto XVI, il sacerdote Ceco Tomas Halik presentava a Roma l’edizione italiana di un suo libro molto diffuso, “Vicino ai lontani.” E il 13 marzo 2014, mentre Jorge Mario Bergoglio festeggiava il primo anno da Papa, lo stesso Halik vinceva i quasi due …

U.S. – Cuba: Pope Francis’ first diplomatic success

The restoration of diplomatic ties between the United States and Cuba is Pope Francis’ first diplomatic success, and many commentators are enthusiastically emphasizing that the Holy See is now back as a major player in the international arena. In fact, Pope Francis was able to harvest the fruits of the Church’s commitment to Cuba that …

Pope Francis, for human rights and against the secularization of religions

Pope Francis did not cross that much of a distance going from the European institutions to Turkey. The two Papal trips are linked in many ways, and not only because of some of the common themes they addressed. They are linked because of a central challenge: defending human nature. To face this challenge, ecumenical dialogue …

Pope Francis, the moment for a change of pace

The reference to «the spirit of Francis» in characterizing the new document that will regulate the functions of the offices of the Roman Curia is the most prominent and newsworthy aspect of the presentation of its introduction. The draft of the new introduction has been discussed during the six meetings of the Council of Cardinals …

Papa Francesco, lo sguardo indietro al Concilio Vaticano II

Papa Francesco verso il Concilio. Non verso il Vaticano III, desiderato da molti, specialmente nell’ala progressista. Piuttosto, verso il Concilio Vaticano II. Perché le scelte di Papa Francesco sembrano sottolineare che lui vada proprio cercando lo spirito del Concilio. Quello spirito che 50 anni fa aveva messo la Chiesa in una scia di entusiasmo e …


“Dacci oggi la nostra rivolta quotidiana”… forse è questa la preghiera che, all’epoca degli smartphone e del dominio incontrastato di poteri oscuri, i cittadini del mondo dovrebbero rivolgere al proprio Dio. Everyday rebellion – L’arte di cambiare il mondo è un film dei Riahi Brothers che fa il punto sui movimenti di protesta sbocciati in …