Monday Vatican

Pope Francis, the moment for a change of pace

The reference to «the spirit of Francis» in characterizing the new document that will regulate the functions of the offices of the Roman Curia is [Read More…]

Monday Vatican

Pope Francis, an iron hand against priestly pedophilia. How will the international community react?

In two moves, Pope Francis has shown he intends to strongly carry forward the line of zero tolerance on clergy sex abuse. Two very clear [Read More…]

Monday Vatican

Pope Francis, looking back to the Second Vatican Council

There is a Council in the Pope’s mind. Not the Third Vatican Council, wished by many, especially within progressive circles. Rather, it is the Second [Read More…]

Monday Vatican

Pope Francis, on the footsteps of the unknown Pope?

«The Church is proud of having sons like you. You are her strength and the concrete and authentic testimony of the Church’s salvation, forgiveness and [Read More…]

Monday Vatican

Bishops, Pope Francis’ choices

Perhaps under Pope Francis the big transition of bishops started under Benedict XVI is going to be completed. In appointments for two key posts, Pope [Read More…]

Monday Vatican Occhi aperti

Christian plight, it is now time for a diplomacy of the truth

The time for the diplomacy of truth came into play when the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue released a strongly worded statement last Aug. 12. [Read More…]